Callie pups March 2022

Here is Callie who is a great mom.

Great dad and loved the show ring.

New mom 6 boys and 6 girls. They could not wait, and arrived 6 days early.

That is a line up....

Mom is a bit tired.

A pile of pups.

Still sleeping!

We are growing.


We are four weeks old and outgrew our whelping box, so now are out in the kennel.

Mom needs a break so is not with us constantly any more.

Snuggling again in the corner.

Under the pile of pups are two dishes of food. These pups need to work on there food manners.

Ok for this morning the pans are separated but I do not see any better manners at meal time. We are working on this.


As you can see they eat a LOT!

We had company today and had such fun.

And it got a little busy with all of us together.

Here are the six beautiful girls!

And six handsome boys.

Candid shot not who we are... but cute.

Lots of playing this am.

they are getting so big...

OK we are sitting where we are not supposed to be but being so cute who cares!

OK these guys are in the right place!!


We are growing.

we are outside and love it...

Lots of room and sunshine!

Our friend Stanley is visiting us.....

These pups are really growing and are full of puppy fun....

Kate came today and clipped puppy toe nails so to tell who has been done all (once clipped) got a black dot on the head.....

There are two pans but taste better this way!


We are cute....

Big boy!

Little boy!

Play time!

It is warm out today but pups seem to like it!

Yes we are getting bigger.


They are so curious.

Fun on a nice day!

They are so cute....

Pup on the left in mid flight!

Latest comments

05.05 | 00:52

We have one of Pumpkinā€™s brothers. He is an amazing dog! Thank you...

28.09 | 21:38

Cedar is a handsome guy!

21.01 | 18:21

Hi Fran this is Jim and Sue Castrucci.Just saying hi and to let you know ...

16.05 | 20:00

awww so sweet!! welcome to the valleygold family